If You Are Sensitive to Pesticides, There’s a Registry to Help You

Here’s something I’ll bet you didn’t know. As a real estate advisor serving the Rocky Mountain region, I didn’t even know this until recently:

There is a Colorado registry to protect individuals who are sensitive to pesticides – protection that can be crucial as we enter the warmer months and people are spraying for weeds and pests.

Maintained by the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA), the Registry of Pesticide-Sensitive Persons is a list of folks who must be notified BEFORE any turf or ornamental pesticide application.

The list is provided to all commercial, limited commercial and public applicators, who must give notice of the date and approximate time of application to any individual whose name is on the list and who resides on property that is next to the property to be treated. That means if your neighborhood is being sprayed for weeds and you are on the list, you should be told in advance about the spraying.

If you have a sensitivity to pesticides, be sure to get yourself on the list, which is updated annually. To do that, you must submit an application and be approved. You‘ll need to provide medical justification by a Colorado-licensed physician.

Once on the list, you will receive notification signs to post on your property. You’ll also have to renew your qualification for the list every year and provide medical certification every two years.

To protect yourself or to learn more about this Colorado program, please visit http://www.cepep.colostate.edu/Fact%20Sheets/412RegistryofSensitivePersons.pdf.