If you Received a Survey, let the Town of Parker Know Your Thoughts

If you are one of the select 3,000 Parker residents who received a survey from the Town, don’t waste your chance to let officials know how you feel.

The Town of Parker recently mailed out its biennial Citizen Survey to 3,000 randomly-selected Parker households, with an invitation to share their thoughts on services and priorities.

On the five-page survey, residents are asked to rate the quality of life in Parker, as well as the community’s characteristics. Characteristics include the sense of community, the overall quality of new development, the overall feeling of safety, and the ease of car, bus and bicycle travel.

Questions also seek opinions on the quality of Parker services, including snow removal, street repair, recreation programs and facilities, handling of citizen complaints, and police response to calls.

Survey participants also are asked to rate the Town’s performance, including the overall direction the Town is taking, and the performance of the Town Council, administration and management.

According to the Town, the survey gives residents an opportunity to provide feedback to their local government, as well as communicate priorities for community planning and resource allocation. In addition, responses about the quality of service help the Town Council and staff set priorities for budget decisions.

“This is a unique opportunity for our residents to tell us how we are performing as a community and what we can do to positively impact their quality of life,” Mayor Mike Waid said in a press release. “I highly encourage those who receive the survey to give us their honest feedback so we can continue to improve upon the services we provide.”

The surveys can be filled out on paper and returned in the postage-paid envelope provided, or the select individuals can fill them out online.

All responses, which will be kept anonymous, should be submitted by April 15. The results will be announced this summer.

So if you are one of the select few, let them know what you think! If you don’t, you’ve wasted an opportunity to improve the community in which we live.