Parker Ordinance Allows for Raising Bees

Have you been considering raising bees in Parker?

Beekeeping in Parker
Did you know that Parker has passed an ordinance allowing beekeeping? Parker joined the ranks of Colorado municipalities to allow and promote urban beekeeping with the adoption of a new Town ordinance on Oct. 11, 2015. The ordinance is available to view online.  We need these wonderful insects to pollinate our flowers, fruits and vegetables.

Please review the municipal ordinance for Parker and its requirements. If your lot is at least 5,000 square feet, you may have two backyard beehives located at least five feet from your property line. Remember to “bee” a good neighbor.

Citizens should always check with their homeowners’ associations (HOAs) before getting involved with beekeeping. HOAs may impose additional requirements on beekeepers or prohibit the practice altogether, despite the Town’s ordinance approving beekeeping.

Beekeeping is a fascinating hobby. Besides the benefit of producing honey, bees are terrific garden pollinators and beneficial to our environment. Honeybees need our help – in 2014 about 40% of bee colonies died in Colorado and no one really knows why.
If you are interested in becoming a beekeeper, here are some tips:

  • “Bee” educated.  Beekeeping is complex and requires a significant investment in money and time.  
  • The best way to become educated about beekeeping is to take a class. You will find a listing of classes on the State Beekeeper’s Association website, – click on resources, then education.
  • Parker Arts also has several educational opportunities and events related to beekeeping, including a “Backyard Beekeeping” class. For more information, visit
  • Read a book or two about beekeeping.
  • Watch online videos on beekeeping.
  • Attend local beekeepers club meetings for education and to find a beekeeper mentor. Most beekeepers are passionate about their craft and are willing to share their experience. There are two clubs in Douglas County, the SouthEast Beekeepers that meets in the Pinery and the High Land Bee Club that meets in Roxborough. Consult, “events” to view a posting of club meetings.
Honeycomb with bees and honey