SECOR and Osgood Team Real Estate Join Forces to fight Childhood Hunger!

OTeam Partnering with SECOR to Raise Money for Kids Food Backpack Program

Osgood Team Real Estate is a family-owned business who loves to give back to our community. We were looking into a few different areas where we thought we could help, and SECOR and its programs tugged at our hearts. They are faith-based but offer assistance to all; they not only have a food bank but offer support with finances, dental, legal and counseling. The Food for Thought program really struck home with us. All of us have children, and the thought of them going hungry was heartbreaking.  By providing a backpack of nutritious food, the Food for Thought program carries children who are on free or reduced lunch programs at their school through the weekend when they might not otherwise have meals available to them.

Join Osgood Team’s “Food Fight” Team and donate online or bring your non-perishable or personal hygiene donations to any of the 2 Wine Walks that we are participating in (June 23 or Aug 25 from 5:00-8:00pm)! You can join our team if you’d like OR start your own team to help raise money and awareness!


Did you know……..

Over 30,000 children in Douglas, Arapahoe & Elbert Counties go without food on the weekends.

1 in 5 Douglas County students go hungry over the weekend

In addition to the elementary schools that SECOR currently provides for, there are more than 25 new schools representing over 1,500 children that need our help

The negative physical and emotional impact on children who are hungry and have food anxiety are real


In 2016, over 4700 children were impacted by the Food for Thought Program. With your help, we can increase that number in 2017. $10 per week helps one child, so $40 per month gives one child a bag of food that will help him/her (and the family) have food for the weekend and not worry about being hungry. Any amount helps, so please join us in our “Food Fighters” fundraiser this summer! We have each committed to raising at least $250 for a total of $1000, but we really hope to crush that number!

Thank you so much!