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Don’t let Winter Stop you from Selling Your Home

Posted by OTeam on January 7, 2014
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It’s a common misconception that homes sell better in the spring and summer months. If you look at the hundreds of homes sold each month, you’ll realize there is plenty of real estate activity in the wintertime too.
While the real estate activity is plentiful, you also should do what you can to make your house look its best during those dreary, drab winter days, when you have less time to show off your home in daylight hours. If you pay special attention to the details, it will pay off for you in the long run.
Here are my top five suggestions:
1. Shovel the snow. Make sure the driveway and walkway to your front door are clear, so buyers have easy access. If buyers have to trudge through snow and ice, their impression of the house might not be as good. Cleared driveways and walks also indicate to sellers that the home is well maintained.
2. Take advantage of the light that’s available. One way to do that is by encouraging daytime showings. But regardless of the time of day potential buyers stop by, make the most of the light you have. If it’s a daytime showing, make sure the curtains and blinds are open. If it’s a later showing, make sure you turn on lots of lights and lamps. You might even consider using higher wattage light bulbs while your home is on the market.
3. Get the windows cleaned. Strong southern light can highlight grime and dirt on the windows. If your windows are clean, you can take advantage of the light that’s available and give the impression your home is well cared for.
4. Warm your home. If people visit your home in the winter, you want it to feel warm and inviting, especially on a cold winter day. If you are home shortly before the buyers are scheduled to arrive, there are a couple of easy ways to warm your home. You can adjust the thermostat to make the home warmer and/or you can turn on a gas fireplace for added ambiance.
5. Make your home smell good.  Buyers love the smell of freshly-baked goods, like cinnamon rolls or chocolate-chip cookies. So if you have a showing and if you have time, consider popping something into the oven to make your home smell fantastic. You can even set out the goodies to give your potential buyers a treat.

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