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Essential Oils: Green and Clean

Posted by OTeam on March 18, 2014
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As a certified “green” Realtor in the metro Denver area, I’m always looking for ways to help the environment and to help homeowners make sure their homes look and smell great when they are on the market.

Essential oils help in both of those areas. When diluted, essential oils can clean and freshen a home without the use of harsh or toxic chemicals often found in cleaning products.

These nicely scented oils actually contain germ-fighting properties to keep countertops and other surfaces clean. They also can be used for dishes, floors, mirrors and more. Plus, they smell great. Some of my favorites for the home are lemon, eucalyptus, rosemary, lemongrass, tea tree and grapefruit.

Another great use of these oils is to give your home a fantastic aroma. Use the oils in a diffuser to spread the fragrance or place a few drops in areas where unpleasant smells tend to hang out, like trash cans.

You also can create your own room spray or potpourri. To make the spray, add 80 drops of your favorite oil to 4 ounces of distilled water.  For potpourri, combine the essential oils with dried flowers.

Finally, some of these oils can be used for pest control – something that is becoming even more important as we start to enter the warmer months. Scents like peppermint, spearmint, lemongrass, sage and, of course, citronella, can drive away pesky insects.

Again, you can make your own. Combine one of these scents with water and spray over your body to repel insects – or smear a line of oil in doorways to keep bugs from coming in.

And when all the cleaning and pest control tasks have been completed, add a few drops of your favorite scent to your bath and relax.


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