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A Parker Real Estate Agent who LOVES Freecycle

Posted by OTeam on September 25, 2012
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As a “green” Parker real estate agent who cares about the environment, I love to spread the word about fantastic resources that strive to help the environment.
Here’s one I’ve been using for years:  FreeycycleTM – a grassroots and nonprofit network of more than 5,000 groups around the world made up of folks who recycle – rather than discard – stuff in their own towns. The goal is to reuse these items, keeping them out of the landfills. I’ve used it to get rid of everything from extra paint to kids’ toys to old electronics.
It’s a Yahoo Group so you do need to join and get approval to participate from the moderator, but it’s easy. The Parker network is open to all who want to recycle rather than discard their stuff. According to the local volunteers, items can include a chair, a fax machine, piano or an old door. The group has one rule:  Everything posted must be free.
Sounds simple enough, right?  So make this green Realtor happy. If you live in Parker, go to ParkerCoFreecycle and join. (If you life elsewhere, check out to find your City, community or County.)  Then, start recycling.
This Parker Realtor thanks you. The landfills thank you. Finally, our future generations thank you.

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