Honeycomb with bees and honey

Parker Ordinance Allows for Raising Bees

Have you been considering raising bees in Parker? Beekeeping in ParkerDid you know that Parker has passed an ordinance allowing beekeeping? Parker joined the ranks of Colorado municipalities to allow and promote urban beekeeping with the adoption of a new Town ordinance on Oct. 11, 2015. The ordinance is available to view online.  We need these wonderful…

pug dog as personal trainer lifting a very heavy dumbbell bar having trouble with it

Check Out Bayou Gulch Dog Park

Bayou Gulch Dog Park – Parker, Colorado It’s the little things in Parker that make so many of us call it home.  From the small town feel with all the conveniences of a big city, amazing restaurants, quaint small business stores, to the hundreds of miles of recreation space..Parker is a fantastic place to live!…

May 1st, 2017 May Day!

Happy May Day! May Day, always the first of May is celebrated around the world. Although it’s not a national holiday in the United States, we at Osgood Team Real Estate love to celebrate May Day. It’s a symbol of Spring, the begin of summer, warmer weather ( except when it’s snowing a foot!!!), and…