disc golf cage on the cherry creek trail in englewood colorado

Should you buy a short or long term rental investment property in Denver? We have the answers.

Congratulations to our investor clients who recently found this perfect real estate investment in Englewood Colorado! This neighborhood boasting views of the Cherry Creek Trail and a prime location providing quick commuting access to E470 and the entire South Metro Corridor. It even has a disc golf course nearby. It’s easy to see why this…

Are you covered post it note on corkboard

What Landlord Insurance Do I Need?

Landlord insurance is important to protect anyone who has a rental property. There are multiple types of real estate insurance that you need, and there may be different kinds of coverage within those insurance categories. Whether you rent an entire property, multiple units, or even have a short-term rental, you need the right insurance coverage.…

Fun and Free Colorado Events – 2017

Did you know there are tons of FREE & FUN events in Colorado? Children’s Museum Denver mychildsmuseum.org Target Tuesdays FREE PLAY 4-8pm the first Tuesday of each month Clyfford Still Museum Denver clyffordstillmuseum.org FREE FRIDAYS 5-8 pm, last Friday of the month FREE all day Denver Botanic Gardens* Chatfield and Denver* botanicgardens.org FREE days throughout…

village homes in canterberry village of parker neighborhood kitchen

January 4 , 2017 National Spaghetti Day

Date When Held : Always January 4 Today is National Spaghetti Day. Osgood Team knows that one of the most special and critical areas of a home is the kitchen! This is where the family comes together, where the party always congregates to, where the homework is done, where games are played, where families talk,…