10 Best Denver Suburbs to Buy a Home
(http://www.westword.com/news/ten-best-colorado-suburbs-to-buy-a-house-7171593 )
10. Littleton
9. Lone Tree
8. Monument
7. Centennial
6. Fountain
5. Louisville
4. Castle Rock
3. Erie
2. Lafayette
1. Parker
Parker ranks 12th in 2013’s Best Places to Live – CNN Money Magazine
Full Parker Profile: http://www.parkeronline.org/DocumentCenter/Home/View/163
Douglas County Ranks 7th on Nation’s richest county list – Forbes
Doulgas County Ranks 4th in Top 25 Fastest job growth list – CNN Money
Douglas County is the Healthiest County in Colorado (May, 2015) http://www.bizjournals.com/denver/news/2015/03/25/which-colorado-counties-are-the-healthiest.html
Colorado consistently receives top national rankings for quality
of life, as well as a place to start and succeed in business. Recent honors and recognition include:
Best Place to Live and Work
Carbondale, Durango, Highland and Louisville
Happiest Cities in the U.S. 2015
Denver #25
#3 Technology Industry Employment Concentration
(TechAmerica Cyberstates 2013)
Best Cities to Retire in 2015
#6 Colorado Springs
(Forbes Magazine)
Top 10 States for Job Growth 2014 –
Colorado #7
(Forbes Magazine)
#5 Best States for Business 2014
(Forbes Magazine)
Best Hunting and Fishing Towns
Grand Junction #6 & Craig #20
(Outdoorlife.com 2015 )
Top 100 Best Cities
Boulder #4, Fort Collins #24, Lakewood #34 & Westminster #75
(Liveability.com 2015)
Colorado’s unemployment rate is at 4.2% (Department of Numbers, February 2015) Colorado is ranked 14th compared to other states.
Unemployed persons- 118,200
National Unemployment rate- 5.5%
Growth in Colorado Colorado is expected to add more than 61,300 jobs in 2015, ranking it among the top 10 states according to CU Boulder.
The most growth in Colorado is expected in the professional and business services sector, which is projected to increase by 3.3 percent or 12,800 jobs. The leisure and hospitality sector was forecast to be the second-leading job growth sector for 2015, with 11,200 jobs expected to be added.
The education and health services sector should add 9,300 jobs. Many of those jobs are considered public-sector positions, and in August 2014 Colorado ranked third in the nation in public-sector job growth.
Top 5 Employers:
1) US Government – 50,000+
2) State of Colorado – 30,000+
3) University of Colorado – 13,300+
4) Lockheed Martin – 10,000+
5) Peterson Air Force Base – 9,286+