You’re searching for a new home. You’ve spent hours with your real estate agent, hoping to find the perfect house that has all the items on your wish list.
So far, you haven’t found that one that checks all the boxes. Now your agent calls and says she’s found it – and it will probably move quickly. You have time to go see it, but your husband is either out of town or stuck at work.
In Part 4 of our 6-part series on cool apps, we’ve got the solution for you. Your husband doesn’t have to miss out on the tour of the house, thanks to two cools apps that will help you bring the home to life for him.
First, there’s Periscope, which was originally created to let you “explore the world through someone else’s eyes.”
For REALTORS and those looking to buy a new home, it’s a fantastic tool because it allows you to broadcast live from anywhere with your smartphone. You can bring the house tour to anyone, wherever they are.
You don’t need a WiFi connection or webcam. You just tap your phone and you are immediately transmitting to anyone who chooses to follow you.
While recording, you can face the camera at you and/or outward – to capture all the bells and whistles you are seeing in the home you are touring. Your viewers can even send thoughts and feedback your way because watching the tour won’t be a passive experience. On Periscope, viewers can send messages.
For more information on this app, which can become a great time-saver for homebuyers, visit
Another option is Cylcoramic, which allows you to film panoramic views. All you have to do is set your phone on a flat surface, and it will automatically rotate 360 degrees.
Back in 2012, it was the first and only app that was capable of taking this type of hands-free, 360-degree video using the iPhone’s built-in vibration motors. It was later made famous when its creator Bruno Francois went on Shark Tank and walked away with $500,000 from the two investors in exchange for a combined 15 percent of the company.
I think both these apps are worth checking out if you are in the home-buying process. After all, it’s not always easy for all the decision makers to be available for house tours.
They’re also fun to use if you want to share information about the home you just purchased with friends and family who may not live in the same town.
If you’d like information on other helpful apps that we featured in this series,
#2 Floor Plans and Crime Reports
Happy house hunting!