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December 16th, 2016 National Chocolate Covered Anything Day

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Date When Celebrated : Always December 16

Chocolaholics rejoice! Today is National Chocolate Covered Anything Day. We LOVE Chocolate, as I’m sure all could see last weekend at the Carriage Christmas Parade, where Osgood Team served free hot chocolate to the freezing Parker community! Hot Chocolate with all kinds of Chocolatey toppings, and Chocolate desserts made the day a great success. As always we enjoyed see the friendly faces of the community. Thanks for coming out to join us at this magical event!

In the giving spirit of the holiday season, make sure to give or share some of your favorite chocolate covered treats today.

Happy National Chocolate Covered Anything Day!!!!

Remember we are never too busy for your referrals!

2 glasses of hot chocolate with whipped cream on wood table
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