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Cimarron Festival of Trees Community Card

Posted by OTeam on November 18, 2020
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Cimarron Festival of Trees – Parker Colorado

Thanks to the creative thinking of the Cimarron PTO, instead of their annual Festival of Trees, they created a ‘Share in the Spirit of Giving’ contest to support the Parker community and the businesses who have participated over the past events. As sponsors from the very first Festival of Trees, we were saddened when we couldn’t donate a tree because it’s one of our favorite events of the year! Osgood Team Real Estate is grateful to still be able to participate, although not in the traditional way.

Look for our Outdoor Sports Themed tree as one of the prizes.

Code: 19590

To purchase the Cimarron Community Card to start giving back to local businesses, Click HERE. Complete as many of the activities on the card as you can to be entered for prizes. After purchasing your card, Cimarron Festival of Trees will email you with additional information and instructions.

You can follow the contest on Cimarron’s Festival of Trees Facebook page.

Some of our favorite pictures from last year’s event….

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