Each year, the Harvest Festival and Trick or Treat on Main Street in Elizabeth, Colorado draws large crowds, and this year was no exception. Sponsored by the Elizabeth Chamber of Commerce, it’s always a local favorite.
For the second Fall in a row, Batman, and a scary number of zombies, roamed the tents and booths set up by more than 50 vendors, which included our own REALTOR, Andrea Richardson. Not a cloud in the sky and a sunny day added to the perfection of the event.

Andrea is a very active member and past Chair of the Elizabeth Chamber of Commerce, sponsoring several local events & devoted to giving back to her community. This adds to Andrea’s expertise in acreage, horse properties and land real estate in Elbert County, CO.
If you are wanting to get out of the hustle and bustle of a big city, and move into beautiful Elbert County, Andrea is your go-to for all things real estate. Large and small, she knows the area and her office is located on Main Street in Elizabeth. Call your local Elizabeth & Elbert County market expert, Andrea Richardson today! 720-628-3339 or email