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It’s that time of year again when the ghosts, goblins and witches will be out wandering the sidewalks and streets of Parker. The Police Department wants you to keep the following Halloween safety tips in mind if you and your family will be out trick or treating.
• Be sure older children take friends and younger children are accompanied by a trusted adult when trick or treating.
• Accompany younger children to the door of every home they approach, and make sure parents and guardians are familiar with every home and all people from which they receive treats.
• Always inspect all treats before allowing children to consume them.
• Teach children to never enter a home without prior permission from their parents or guardians, and never approach a home that is not well lit both inside and outside.
• Teach children to never approach a vehicle, occupied or not, unless they know the owner and are accompanied by a parent or guardian.
• Make sure all children wear reflective clothing or carry a glow stick or flashlight when out at dusk and at night. Remember, it’s very difficult for vehicles to see young children dressed in dark clothing in the evening hours.
• Remind children to look both ways before crossing the street and use established crosswalks wherever possible.
• Make sure children are able to see and breathe properly and easily when using facial masks. All costumes and masks should be clearly marked as flame resistant.
• Teach children if anyone tries to grab them to make a scene: loudly yell this person is not my father/mother/guardian, and make every effort to get away by kicking, screaming and resisting.
• Families may want to organize or attend parties at home, in school or in community centers as a good alternative to trick or treating.
For more information contact the Police Department at 303.841.9800 or email [email protected]. Be safe and have a Happy Halloween!
There are several community locations for Trick or Treating and we’ll post those separately.