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Is Your Real Estate Broker Really Green?

Posted by OTeam on October 10, 2012
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A lot of real estate professionals call themselves “green” these days, but not all of them are EcoBroker® certified.
As a certified EcoBroker® in Parker, Colo., I help folks make energy-efficient and environmentally-smart choices when they are making real estate and lifestyle decisions.
I can address the hottest “green” issues in real estate, including green home certification programs like Energy Star®, and can provide real solutions for home buyers and sellers who are dealing with mold, radon or poor indoor air quality.
The best part is, I feel confident doing this because I’ve been trained by EcoBroker®, which offers the premier “green” designation program for real estate agents. The program requires agents to complete 18 hours of EcoBroker® courses on energy, the environment and marketing. An additional four hours of instruction must be completed each year to keep the designation.
It’s great training that makes me feel good about what I’m doing. So if you’re looking for a “green” broker, be sure to ask if he or she is EcoBroker certified.

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