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March 23rd, 2017 National Puppy Day!

Posted by OTeam on March 23, 2017
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Date When Celebrated : Always March 23

National Puppy Day is a day to celebrate puppies! Those furry, four legged, fluff balls bring so much joy to us, it’s only natural to have a special day to celebrate them! We here at Osgood Team Real Estate LOVE our puppies (or grown up puppies in some cases)! Some top ways we like to celebrate puppy day is to enjoy the wonderful trails, parks and the Bayou Gulch Dog Park with our best buddies. Parker Colorado is so full of outdoor pleasures it’s a great way to spoil man’s best friend.

Another way to celebrate would be to go out and adopt and new puppy or dog! There are numerous events at the local pet stores where you could save a sweet animal that would grow to be your new bestie!!

Although we will be out with our dogs, we are never too busy for your referrals!



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