Moving is stressful, but a well planned and thought out move will make the day run much smoother.
One thing that may be overlooked is what items you’ll need on moving day – or when you get to your new home. You’ve been so busy packing and worrying about getting everything out of your previous home that it can be easy to forget what you’ll need to have handy on moving day.
As agents who has moved more than their fair share of times, here’s a list of 10 items we’ve compiled that you’ll definitely want to have available on moving day.
Keep in mind, this is not an all-inclusive list. You may come up with even more items that you’ll need handy, especially if you have pets, young children or special medical needs. But at least this list will get you thinking and preparing for moving day.
- A last-minute packing kit. Even though you think you’ve packed everything, there are always items that appear that need to be put somewhere. This packing kit should include a spare box, storage bag(s), scissors, tape, a magic marker and trash bags
- A cleaning kit. While you hope the new home will be clean when you arrive, chances are you may need to do some touch-up. Make it easy on yourself and have these items readily available: Rags/paper towels; Lysol wipes to kill any germs that may remain; Mr. Clean Magic Erasers to quickly clean the stove, bath or shower; and a broom, dust pan, vacuum and/or mop to get the floors clean before your possessions arrive.
- Tools. Don’t pack them away and send them with the movers. On that first day, you may need a hammer, screwdriver, wrench or pliers. We also pack a flashlight and some spare light bulbs – just in case.
- Toiletries. You’ll want to make sure you have access to toiletries for the first day or two, including soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, deodorant, a razor and toilet paper.
- Kitchen items. Make sure to set aside at least one set of utensils for each person, even if they are the disposable kind. I also recommend paper plates and cups for those first few days. I also suggest this box of kitchen items include a can opener, bottle opener, cutting knife and even a coffee pot or kettle, as well as dish soap, sponge and dish towel.
- Water and snacks. You’ll probably want to buy at least a case of water bottles and make them easily accessible to your family members and movers. Snacks are equally important to keep people focused on the job at hand. Make them easy to munch on and as healthy as possible, like nuts and apples.
- Medications and first aid kit. This should include all your daily medications, as well as allergy medicines, pain medicine and bandaids.
- Electronics and chargers. Keep those cell phones, iPads and laptops handy. And don’t forget the chargers so they’ll be charged when you need them most!
- Linens. It might be hard to find the boxes that have the towels, washcloths, bed linens and pillows for your first night in your new home. We always suggest bringing these items with you.
- A change of clothes. While you hope the move goes smoothly and that most of your personal possessions are unpacked at the end of the first day, it’s not a bad idea to pack a change of clothes for everyone in the family, as well as pajamas.
That’s our list of 10 items. Of course, if you have young children, you will definitely include entertainment and comfort items for them. And if you have pets, you’ll want to bring their food, a leash and crate/bed so they are happy and comfortable in their new home too.
Happy moving day!