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Relay for Life Results from Past Weekend

Posted by OTeam on October 4, 2017
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Real Estate, Community & Other Stuff
Relay for Life in Parker, CO 2017

I had a great time at this past weekend’s Relay for Life event at O’Brien Park in Parker, CO.

A fundraising event, “Relay For Life is the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Relay is staffed and coordinated by volunteers in more than 5,200 communities and 27 countries. Volunteers give of their time and effort because they believe it’s time to take action against cancer.” Couldn’t have said it better myself, so why try??

This was my first Relay, and I participated because a dear friend and client of mine, Nancy Y., is a 3-year breast cancer survivor. She has participated in the Relay before, but this year she decided to create a team in honor of her daughter-in-law Becky, who was recently diagnosed at age 38 with breast cancer. Nancy’s team grew to 24 members and we raised over $2000! Final numbers aren’t in, but the Parker Relay held on 9/30/2017 raised approximately $65,000+ ! It’s amazing what we can do when we pull together.

As of today, Becky has finished her treatments and undergone surgery, and her scans are clear, so “Yay Becky!” and God Bless.
I was very touched by Mayor Mike Waid’s speech which kicked off the event, as well as singing the National Anthem, and meeting so many survivors as well as friends and family who were walking to honor someone they loved that did not survive. We also sang “Happy Birthday” for all of those who lived another year. Cancer is an insidious, crappy disease, so I ask that if you ever have the chance to participate in an event or to donate, please say “yes”!
There were also many awesome performances by local dance studios, martial arts, Zumba (I did 2 songs and was done!!), among others. I thought it was a great event overall; please get involved if you can. If not Relay for Life, please find something in your community that you can support- the time or money you give is outweighed by the gratitude and the difference you can make!
Please visit for some fun photos of the event.
It was an honor to participate with these beautiful people and I will continue to support this amazing group!
I’m never too busy for your referrals!

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