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The Best DOGGONE Line-Up Yet!

Posted by OTeam on August 25, 2021
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Are you ready for this Summers Osgood Team Pupper line-up?

On National Dog day we love to show off our support team superstars. What makes a house a home? Just ask our team, we wouldn’t be the same with out our furry friends!

Well its a beautiful Sunny Thursday here in the South Metro Denver area. A great day to play ball! Well, toys that is …Now announcing for the Osgood Team Real Estate the behind the scenes, support crew line-up!

Coaching Staff – Courtesy of the Richardson Family

Head Coach – Scout Richardson is the Queen of the diamond. She knows her way around the game and keeps her team in check.

Assistant team consist of the 3 Richardson littles: Bailey, Chipper, and Indy. Make no mistake these littles LOVE their food!

Bailey loves to beg for food and even does cool tricks
Chipper is quite the poker player and
Indy likes to strut her stuff 🙂


Starting Line-Up

#1 Leading off with this speedy little girl. Penny is the energy of the bunch coming in as the baby at 2 years old. Shes quick and loves playing with grasshoppers.

#2 & #3 -In the two and three hole we have the brother duo who love their time sun bathing on the pourch meet Tug and Bentley Tripp . Tug does his morning yoga and army crawl every morning while Bentley loves to cuddle , and play with all the dogs he meets on his walks. 

# 4 -Batting clean up, please welcome Richardson – The Sargent ( Sarge) – gets the job done and brings the energy. His expressive attitude never disappoints!

#5 – Next we have – Maverick the husky. At about 8 years old he loves long hikes, chasing rabbits, and afternoon couch naps.

#6 – The 6th slot belongs to – Cali Walker – don’t underestimate her. She is 6 years old and quite the smarty pants!! Loves playing with the soccer ball.

#7- Batting 7th is Pierce is the good boy, blue eyes and such a Snuggle bug he likes playing with the frisbee and any interactive treat toy.

#8 – Scout cavapoo (Cavalier King Charles/poodle mix) scout pretty much thinks she’s a human and wants nothing to do with other dogs. In fact she’s terrified of big dogs.

#9 – Last but not least we have Batting in the 9th slot – Black lab is Lucy, she is an old gal, 14 1/2 years old!! She is our lover

Happy National Dog Day!
How can we help your favorite dog find a new backyard to play in?

Still Curious who is who?
Andrea Richardson – Sarge, (Girl) Scout, Bailey, Chipper, and Indy
Courtney Walker – Penny, Cali, Pierce, and Lucy
Michelle Tripp – Tug, and Bentley
Lindsey Connor – Maverick

Osgood Team Real Estate – Your Local Expert Team
“Guidance to Smart Real Estate Decisions”
Call / Text 303.810.5757



Osgood Team competitive logo - image only, green house with black mountains for market post
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