If you live in the South Metro area, you won’t need to head to the mountains or even Denver to find some exciting, family-friendly activities this Labor Day weekend, 2015.
Parker and Lone Tree will be holding food festivals that will also provide activities for children and musical entertainment.
PARKER – Smokin’ Brew BBQ
It all starts in Parker on Friday, Sept. 4, 2015, when the 7th annual Smokin’ Brew BBQ begins with happy hour at 4 p.m. at the PACE Center, 20000 Pikes Peak Ave.
The annual charity event, hosted by the Cherry Creek Valley (CCV) Rotary Club of Parker and sanctioned by the Kansas City Barbeque Society, continues Saturday and Sunday as some of the nation’s top BBQ competitors cook up their best chicken, ribs, pork and brisket for the judging that will take place Sunday afternoon.
There also will be lots of family-friendly events in between. The Kids Zone is sure to keep the young ones happy, while the musical acts will get toes tapping. The BBQ provided by about a dozen vendors, as well as cold beer and soda are also sure to please visitors of all ages.
The event is free, but tickets must be purchased for food and beverages. For more information, visit www.smokinbrewbbq.com
If you want a little more food variety, you can head to Lone Tree’s Lincoln Commons from 1 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 5, 2015, where more than 25 restaurants will be participating in “A Taste of Lone Tree.”
Again, food is only part of the fun. There will be a children’s entertainment area, as well as musical acts throughout the afternoon and evening.
Sponsored by the Lone Tree Chamber of Commerce, there also will be a variety of artist booths, business vendors, and a wide variety of beer and wine to sample.
Tickets include food tasting throughout the day, along with access to all of the entertainment. If purchased by Aug. 31 at www.eventbrite.com (type in “Taste of Lone Tree), tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for kids age 5 to 16. The price at the gate is $25 for adults and $12 for kids age 5 to 16. Veterans and seniors will be $20 at the door. Children under 5 are free.
For more information, visit www.lonetreechamber.com.